Class FixedCache

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FixedCache
extends MapCache
implements Cache

FixedCache is an implementation of the Cache interface that uses a fixed size element store, so that the heap usage is always capped.

Neil Stockbridge
See Also:
Cache, CacheElementSource

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.gjt.rec.cache.MapCache
Field Summary
static String REVISION
Constructor Summary
FixedCache(int fixedSize)
          Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements using weak references.
FixedCache(int fixedSize, CacheElementSource src)
          Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements using weak references.
FixedCache(int fixedSize, MapCache.MapType type)
          Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements in a particular manner.
FixedCache(int fixedSize, MapCache.MapType type, CacheElementSource src)
          Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements in a particular manner.
Method Summary
 void invalidate(Object id)
          Invalidates the entry in this cache with a particular id.
 void invalidateAll()
          Invalidates all entries in this cache.
 Object lookup(Object id)
          Tries to find an element with a particular id in this cache.
 void put(Object id, Object element)
          Puts a particular element in this cache associated with a particular id.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.gjt.rec.cache.MapCache
elementCount, hitCount, requestCount, resetStatistics
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.gjt.rec.cache.Cache
elementCount, hitCount, requestCount, resetStatistics

Field Detail


public static final String REVISION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FixedCache(int fixedSize)
Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements using weak references.

fixedSize - the maximum number of elements to hold in the cache.


public FixedCache(int fixedSize,
                  MapCache.MapType type)
Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements in a particular manner.

fixedSize - the maximum number of elements to hold in the cache.
type - if this argument is MapCache.MapType.WEAK, this cache will refer to its elements using weak references. if the argument is MapCache.MapType.STRONG, strong references will be used instead.


public FixedCache(int fixedSize,
                  CacheElementSource src)
Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements using weak references. Cache elements will be obtained from the supplied CacheElementSource.

fixedSize - the maximum number of elements to hold in the cache.
src - the element source from which the cache will obtain its elements in the event of a cache miss.


public FixedCache(int fixedSize,
                  MapCache.MapType type,
                  CacheElementSource src)
Constructs a FixedCache that refers to its elements in a particular manner. Cache elements will be obtained from the supplied CacheElementSource.

fixedSize - the maximum number of elements to hold in the cache.
type - if this argument is MapCache.MapType.WEAK, this cache will refer to its elements using weak references. if the argument is MapCache.MapType.STRONG, strong references will be used instead.
src - the element source from which the cache will obtain its elements in the event of a cache miss.
Method Detail


public Object lookup(Object id)
Description copied from interface: Cache
Tries to find an element with a particular id in this cache.

Specified by:
lookup in interface Cache
lookup in class MapCache
id - the id of the desired element.
the element corresponding to the supplied id or null if no such element could be found.


public void put(Object id,
                Object element)
Description copied from interface: Cache
Puts a particular element in this cache associated with a particular id. Note that invoking this method does not guarantee that the element will stay in the cache even long enough to be returned by a subsequent invocation of the lookup(Object) method.

Specified by:
put in interface Cache
put in class MapCache
id - the id associated with the supplied element.
element - the element to store in the cache.


public void invalidate(Object id)
Description copied from interface: Cache
Invalidates the entry in this cache with a particular id.

Specified by:
invalidate in interface Cache
invalidate in class MapCache
id - the id corresponding to the element to invalidate.


public void invalidateAll()
Description copied from interface: Cache
Invalidates all entries in this cache.

Specified by:
invalidateAll in interface Cache
invalidateAll in class MapCache


public String toString()
toString in class MapCache